Travel Warnings - Country Health and International Security Information

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Published: June 19, 2005

When planning your holiday, it is always a good idea to keep up to date with current events and potential issues for the countries you are planning to visit.

Make sure you keep up to date with these up until you depart and also be aware of them whilst travelling, these can make a big dent in your holiday plans.

Knowing of any issues up front can mean that you might be able to change your travel plans without too much hassle.

Always check the health issues surrounding your destinations and go to a doctor to make sure your immunisation shots are up to date and correct for the countries you plan on visiting. Being sick on your holiday can quickly turn your planned fun into a miserable trip, or worse still, something more serious and life shortening and debilitating.

The Australian government provide a great travel advisory website at Smart Traveller. It contains information about possible destinations you might be looking at travelling to.

The US Department of State also have an area dedicated for travel warnings.

The CDC Website also has health related advice for travellers.

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